Collective Bargaining Committee
As a result of the workforce's notice of unionization with Unifor, a Collective Bargaining Committee was formed to represent the employer during the negotiations of the Municipality's first Collective Agreement.
These meetings will typically be held in closed session in accordance with the Ontario Municipal Act, Section 238 (d) (2), Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations.
Meeting Notices
Collective Bargaining Committee Meeting
Oct 5, 2023
7:00 p.m. - Electronically
Closed meeting
Qualifying as such under Section 239(2) (d) of the Ontario Municipal Act: Labour relations or employee negotiations
Collective Bargaining Committee Meetings
October 30, 2023 and Oct 31, 2023 (2 days booked)
8:00 a.m.
Closed meetings
Qualifying as such under Section 239(2) (d) of the Ontario Municipal Act: Labour relations or employee negotiations.