Calvin Residents - Final Tax Bills Mailed
August 28, 2023
Local News

Final Tax Bills are calculated using the MPAC current value assessment (CVA) and the final tax rates as established by Council. 

Your Final Tax Bill for 2023 was mailed on August 31st.  

Your Final Tax Bill's payment due date is indicated on your tax bill.  Interest will be charged on late payments not received, until it is paid in full.   


Penalty and interest is charged on overdue taxes at the rate of 1.25% per month (15% per year) as authorized by Section 345 of the

Municipal Act. These charges are added to overdue accounts on the 1st day of default and on the 1st of each month thereafter.

If you don't pay your property taxes for a longer period of time, the Municipality may take action, which includes registering a Tax Arrears Certificate and advertising your

property for sale.

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