The Municipality of Calvin has recently replaced the propane furnace at the Calvin Public Works Garage. As a result, the used propane furnace is available to the highest bidder. Requests to view the furnace can be organized by contacting the Municipal office. The successful bidder will be responsible for the removal of the used propane furnace from Municipal property (at the bidder’s expense). All bids must be received at the Municipal office, located at 1355 Peddlers Drive, by Thursday February 10th, 2022 at 2 pm. Those interested must submit bids, in writing, to the Municipality of Calvin, c/o Clerk-Treasurer during regular office hours, Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm or by email at clerk@calvintownship.ca.
All bids received by the deadline will be opened by the Municipal Clerk during the Council Meeting on the evening of February 22nd, 2022. The successful bid will be awarded to the highest bidder, who will then be notified on February 23rd, 2022. Date and time of pick-up must be coordinated in advance with the Municipal office. The equipment must be removed from Municipal property by March 3rd, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Whalley, Roads Superintendent at 705-744-2210.
Please fill out the attached form - Propane Furnace Bid Form 2022