In Conversation with Calvin - April 2022
April 19, 2022
Local News

In conversation with Calvin Township

Building tomorrow byworking together today!

ISSUE NO #1 |  APRIL 2022  |  VOLUME 1

A Message from Mayor and Council

As Mayor and Council for the Township of Calvin, we are extremely proud to launch this new look and dedicated communication newsletter for the residents and stakeholders of Calvin.  Our message this month is simple.  Let’s build a solid tomorrow for the citizens and youth of this community, by working together today, as a close knit group of concerned and dedicated individuals who truly care about the wellness and future development of this Township.  Far too often, and more times than we care about, we have encountered difficult circumstances that no community cares to deal with.  We have taken the necessary period of time to reflect but it’s now time to move forward and renew our friendships, relationships and reflect on the new vision of “building tomorrow by working together today”!  As a Council, we want you to understand this message and hear it often.  Our process to bring in professional guidance and leadership at a staff level has begun and will continue, but in the interim, we are in good hands as we transition our role into an overall governance mandate and allow our professional staff to carry on their important procedural work. We hope you enjoy this first edition. One of the most important and time relevant projects on Council table is the on-going search and replacement of the top Administrative Position for the Township of Calvin.  We ask our residents to have patience while we continue to undertake an exhaustive search for the right person.  We need to ensure that, no matter what, we find a dedicated, experienced, and cultured individual who will work with Council to ensure we stay on a Governance capacity role while they undertake the important day-to-day functions of Township business.  All of this while also providing a safe, healthy, and welcoming municipal environment for both our existing staff and the community and public.  Our current staff have been working very hard and to support their efforts we are making slight changes to our municipal service hours. As such we passed a resolution on April 12, 2022 that will close the municipal office one day per week to allow staff to continue to work without public disruption.  The office will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday regular hours, closed on Thursday (no calls will be answered)  and Friday by appointment only. As well Council will also defer the 4th Tuesday of the month Council meeting for three months but carry on with Council meetings on the first Tuesday of the month.  This will be revisited at the July 2022 meeting. The adjustments in our schedule and that of Town Hall will allow existing staff to continue to work and catch up on many projects without the heavy burden of new projects from Council.

Remember Build Tomorrow by working together today!  
Mayor Ian Pennell and Members of Council


Happy Easter from Mayor, Council and Municipal Staff!

As Mayor and Council and Municipal staff, we wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone an incredible and joyous Easter break.  Enjoy your time with family and friends celebrating what really matters in your life.  


Please note that the Municipal Office will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 4:00 by appointment only and closed on Thursdays (no calls will be answered on Thursday)“




April 12, 2022 – Council Meeting

April 15, 2022 – Good Friday - Office Closed

April 17, 2022 – Easter

April 18, 2022 – Monday - Office Closed

April 19, 2022 –   Penalties and Interest begin on late tax payments.


“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

“It's my favorite because the meaning resonates with me. I've known people who are no longer with us and whose words and face have faded but the way they made me feel during their life, lives on. I hope to leave people feeling good about how I made them feel, long after I'm gone.” Councillor Kim Brooker

One thing that I'd be happy and proud for Council to complete in the next 30 days would be to fill the Municipal Administrator’s Position. This would help to relieve the additional work load the vacant position has created for existing staff and would go far to allay concerns of Calvin residents.  We are certainly committed and dedicated to ensuring we fill that position with someone who is extremely qualified and is committed to working for the overall betterment of this amazing Township.

One of the projects that Council should engage in is a Community Spring clean up. The Township can hand out and make available garbage bags and everyone can pick a ditch to clean up after this long winter. Although, it is so nice to drive through Calvin and already see very little trash.  The on-going beautification of this community should be a priority for all of Council and we should all be proud.











Calvin Township Wants Your Opinion:



We are looking for your opinion on what matters to Calvin Township.


This month we are asking you about your ideas and commitment to Spring cleaning within the community.  Would you participate in cleaning a ditch?  Picking up garbage? Would you be able to contribute anything for the volunteers who clean up Calvin?  Would you volunteer to assist a community led initiative like this?  Would you agree to promote it on your social media?


Click the link to Survey Monkey and let us know!


Wellness Tips

Self care is not a privilege or something we’ll eventually get around to. It’s a responsibility to ourselves.  It isn’t necessarily a bubble bath and candles, although it could be.  


What is self-care:

·         Getting enough sleep

·         Keeping your priorities in order – what truly means the most to you

·         Eating a varied amount of food, 80% always being healthy options

·         Exercise – walking, swimming, yoga…whatever you enjoy the most

·         Finding some form of creative outlook

·         Being in the moment without worrying what’s next or what others think, just be present Here, Now

·         Drinking lots of water

·         Laughter – find something each & every day that makes you smile & laugh




Roots and Branches of Calvin - Resident Showcase


Meet Harry and Gladys Whalley!

Harry and Gladys Whalley will be celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary April 10th .

Harry was born August 23, 1931 and is the oldest living original Calvinitte.  He and Gladys McMaster, who was born on April 1, 1933, were married on April 10, 1953.





What is the Roots and Branches of Calvin?  A new feature of our newsletter to showcase our residents.  Roots represent the older original families and the branches represent the the new people to Calvin. 


Community Events

Come meet the Calvin Easter Bunny!


April 17

1 P.M.



Free outdoor event at the Hall.


Donations to the food bank are kindly accepted.



The CWA Calvin Working All Together is holding a draw for this Queen sized quilt until May 6, 2022.

Tickets are $5 each
or $20 for 5 tickets. 

Proceeds to go towards the Calvin Working All-together fund.



Please note:  All pictures sent in will need to have a release form filled out. Email admin to send in your photo and get the form.  Not all images will be used and will be at the descrtion of the Municipality.

Your View of Calvin!

Newsletter submission Section.

Do you have a beautiful or interesting photo of Calvin you would like to share? Perhaps it’s a view from your window, wildlife, or even a seasonal photo showcasing our amazing landscapes. Your image might be included in a future Newsletter.

How: Send your photo to: